About Us Who we are
LACCODEF has been at the center of working to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children, youth and families in Lango Sub-region since 2009. For more than 15 years, LACCODEF has designed and implemented varied programs under education, community health, child protection, livelihood (Household economic strengthening) and youth empowerment. With funding from multiple donors including BMZ and through child sponsorship funding, the livelihoods of many children and families have been touched in Lango sub-region.
Over 300,000 children, youth and caregivers have been touched with different programs. LACCODEF has adopted a life stage programming approach where children and youth are targeted with specific program interventions in their life stage. The life stage programming approach has characterized children 0 – 5 years as life stage one; 6 – 14 years as life stage two, and 15 – 24 years as life stage three. These programs are intended to make children and youth thrive through their different life stage until they become young adults who bring lasting change to their communities.
LACCODEF’s program hinge on six principles; programs should address child rights, address root causes of poverty and deprivation, be evidence based, be sustainable, build artnerships, and engage children as agents of change.
The programs are grounded in the community best practices and connected to bring meaningful and desired change.
Target population:
The total number of households in the operation area is approximately 73, 638 and the total population is 373, 818. The number of households targeted and supported by LACCODEF is 3643 households, and the targeted population with our entire programs is approximately 200,000+ people.
Legal status:
The organization is legally established, registered with the Uganda National NGO bureau (Reg Number 8735), with a valid operation permit. It is incorporated by Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) as a company registered by guarantee.
LACCODEF’s vision: To have empowered communities where all children are well nurtured and their rights observed.
To build the capacity of communities to provide resources and enabling environment for effective child development.
Our goal
To have access to resources, services and enabling environment that will enable them to exploit their potential.
- We are friendly to each other.
- If you join with us,We will give you free training
- Its an opportunity to help poor children
- No goal requirements
- Joining is tottaly free
- We dont need any money from you.
Social Assistance
The total number of households in the operation area is approximately 73, 638 and the total population is 373, 818. The number of households targeted and supported by LACCODEF is 5500 households, and the targeted population with our entire programs is approximately 41,000 people.
Legal status:
The organization is legally established, registered with the Uganda National NGO bureau (Reg Number 8735), with a valid operation permit. It is incorporated by Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) as a company registered by guarantee.
LACCODEF operates with major support and funding from ChildFund International accounting for over 90% of all its funding sources currently. LACCODEF also gets funding from other donors and from community contributions.
Our Programs:
LACCODEF programs are guided by a five-year strategic plan that is developed in a participatory manner and aims at addressing the root causes of child poverty and adversity. The programs fall under six thematic area:
- Child Protection
- Livelihood strengthening
- Early childhood development
- Education
- Health
- Youth empowerment
LACCODEF’s programs are designed to achieve 3 core outcomes of;
- To have healthy and secure infants
- Educated and confident children
- Skilled and involved youths.
Organizational structures, systems and policies:
LACCODEF has clear governance structures in place, with clear roles and obligations.
Delegates Assembly: This is the Supreme decision making body of the organization. It’s composed of 48 delegate members elected from the eight (8) federating CBOs. The delegate’s assembly meets at least once a year and their main role to elect board members, approve the audit report, annual work plan and budget.
The Board. The board is composed of nine (9) members. It is the policy making body the organizations and performs oversight roles.
The staff: LACCODEF employs skilled and highly competent staff at various levels both at the secretariat office and the field. The organization is headed by a Federation Manager. It has both sponsorship
This structure comprises of staff, both technical and support staff headed by a program Manager. These perform the day to running and management of organizational affairs. It’s responsible for planning, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs.
Currently, LACCODEF has 31 staff in total of which 15 are technical and 16 support staff. These based both at the main secretariat office and in the field community offices.